Company incorporation in Vietnam
We help our clients to register companies, branches, and representative offices in Vietnam.
We support you through every step of the incorporation process, including obtaining all necessary documents, licenses and certificates, as well as providing nominee management services and clients interests representation for state authorities and financial institutions.
Establishing a company in Vietnam requires the following steps:
Company name
Deciding the company name (representative office, branch office), checking its availability and contradiction with the local laws.
Investment authorisation
If a non-resident of Vietnam is planning to become the owner of the future company, it will be necessary to obtain an additional "investment permit". Only after the approval of the local authorities the future shareholder can acquire shares/shares of the newly established company and become a full-fledged participant of the company.
Company activities
Determining the activities of the future company. Its necessary to understand that it is not possible to register a company with any type of activity in Vietnam. There are a number of restrictions, according to which companies with foreign capital cannot carry out certain activities. Mostly it concerns publishing activities, mining of rare earth and other minerals, activities in the area of strategic infrastructure (ports, railways, air and sea communication).
Payment of authorized capital
After obtaining the "investment permit", payment of the authorized capital is required. The minimum amount of payment is different for each type of activity. So the amount of the authorized capital of a Vietnamese company with a non-resident founder starts from $10000 and can reach $100000 and more. Therefore, we need to be very diligent in selecting the types of activities.
Documents package
Collection of a documents package and payment of state duties. Submission of documents to the registration authority. There are also a number of nuances here, if the company is registered for a local resident, in this case there will be a minimum number of questions. If the company is registered on a non-resident of Vietnam, it will be necessary to provide financial and economic justification of this project and additional information about the financial solvency of the future owners of the company.
Company ready
If a company is acquired through the purchase of shares, for example, a local resident sells a company to a non-resident, in this case it is necessary to carry out corporate procedures, registration and execution of this transaction. There's big difference between company being a "nill" and conducting a full due diligence of the acquired asset.
Is it possible to register a company in Vietnam remotely?
Options for registration
Yes. Our specialists will advise you on what documents we need to
obtain in order to start company registration. Physical presence for the founder(s) may not be required depending on the chosen method of incorporation. However, the employment of a company director (non-resident) will require his/her presence.
Company registration in Vietnam for non-resident (100% foreign capital)
Company registration in Vietnam for legal person non-resident (100% foreign capital)
Company registration using mixed capital (Vietnamese entity + non-resident)
Branch registration or registration of legal person non-resident representative